The spirit of the creation

This creation is borne out of love and devotion. Each of these clay models in front of you are masterpieces in their own right, created with perfection, by the finest craftsmen in India. These craftsmen follow a 200 year tradition of making such figures.

The radiance in the figures, their divine expressions are possible, only when people making them work with right attitude and pure feelings. By supporting the craftsmen an element of trust is developed which reflects in them approaching their work with dedication and love. Thus, when it comes to mixing of clay, it is much more than just mixing clay, it is love and devotion that gets transferred into it. Slowly, with deft and expert handiwork the clay takes shape and what emerges from just clay is a fabulous and beautiful creation manifesting itself to tell us a story. As if to say “I am”.

This piece of work is entirely a labour of love. It is a celebration of beauty and best of human endeavour. We firmly believe this set will find a home where the Lord wishes to go. More than a work of art, it is the work of devotion. Our work will be fulfilled and amply rewarded if it sparks the same devotion to the Lord, which we have experienced in its making.