The theme and its story : Its essence and relevance

In many ways the set and the figures reflect our own frailty. The basic element in making these figures is clay, and as humans our lives are equally fragile. We play our part on the stage of life to return back to Mother Earth as dust. Drawing a parallel again to the figures in the set, just as they are telling an eternal story of love and devotion, our lives as well would be greatly meaningful if we merge our consciousness into Krishna through love and devotion that Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has taught us by example.

The whole theme thus is essentially about bhakti or devotion and who else would better symbolize it than Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. By accepting the role of a devotee, he made the whole world dance in ecstasy. He taught devotional service as a form of spontaneous attachment, by personally practicing it. His biggest contribution is starting the Nama sankirtana movement, chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra going from village to village, as you see on right of the set. For more than 500 years it is still practiced with equal fervor and devotion. It is the simplest and most elegant recourse we have in today’s age, serving as a prime benediction for humanity at large.