From the desk of the creators

Raj and Roma Mahimkar

It is an honour and privilege to bring this creation to you. It is a work of love and devotion and would rather consider ourselves as instruments for this creation than actual ‘creators’.

We refrain from calling the creation as a product. Simply because we do not consider it as a product that is ‘sold’ commercially. This creation is entirely the result of inspired creative thought. It follows the universal laws of creation as embodied in the Panchamahabhuta. Again, the word ‘selling’ is inappropriate as being a work of love and devotion, we believe it will find a place where as per Divine will, it is destined to go.

Setting the clay figurines of this size and of such outstanding workmanship in a devotional theme with the hand painted backdrop and landscape elements is a first in art of this genre. It is absolutely unique in the history of this art of making clay figurines. And we are talking of a rich art tradition of more than 200 years.

However, this concept of theme based sets of clay figurines is not new to us. 75 years back our grandfather had got such clay figurines made from craftsmen from the same region where they are currently being made. These were displayed as a theme during the Ganapati festival at our house. He had got several such figurines made and different themes were woven around them every year.

The idea of creating such clay figurine themes as an offering to our patrons was really a natural extension of the legacy left behind by our grandfather. We can say that though such a concept is probably new to most, for us it has been a feature of every year as we excitedly came up with new ideas and themes using such figurines for the Ganapati decorations. Our experience in this thus spans a lifetime, which for me personally is almost 60 years!

Since we were now introducing the set as a devotional offering inspired from our Ganapati decorations, we have ensured that this new creation essentially has a devotional foundation, with purity as a key element. We have worked carefully on setting the right principles and foundation of our venture and from this has emerged our Mission, Vision and Values, which we assiduously follow. We suggest you to have a look at them to understand what we are and what we stand for.

You will realize that this is not a standard commercial organization, but one which primarily seeks to touch your soul, to kindle the higher emotions, promote devotion and spirituality. There is a social angle as well, as we are actively reviving and promoting a dying art. Your patronage will go a long way in serving our purpose.

We assure you this creation having being made with the right principles and values, is something you will greatly cherish and value. It will go down generations and history as heritage and be one of the most prized heirlooms. Its value is beyond monetary consideration, as what it can bring within is a deep spiritual connection, great positivity and a sense of well-being beyond measure.