
Though this work of art is largely inspired and manifested of Divine Design, it would not really have taken shape in the way it is without the contribution of some special people. Notable among these is Sandeep Ghosh, who was instrumental in helping us reach to the artisans, provided encouragement and support all the way and in providing vital inputs in almost all aspects of this creation.

Secondly, I must mention Sameer Koppikar, who vetted and supported our ideas right from the conception stage. More importantly he managed our financial resources to ensure we had adequate funding for this in critical stages.

Lastly, a huge thanks to the artisans, craftsmen and artists involved with this. They treat their work like worship and full heartedly follow our production values and principles of purity.

But the greatest contribution has been from Roma, my wife, and my two daughters, Devika and Radhika. They were part of all decisions and were the best critics as we fine tuned the design and philosophy behind this creation. The result is for all of us to see.